1. Layers of learning - How do things stick? Music, visuals, presentations, speech, listening with purpose are all ways of including layering in the learning so that significant concepts "stick". Examples: Manipulative objects work wonders in math and literature that is read with enunciation and emotion, then enacted, then viewed brings the student INTO the story.
2. Understand your students - Do your best to understand the student's personality, incorporate the Blooms Taxonomy- with layers of learning, in the various types of learning methods to help students connect. This assists the teacher in the long run but can be labor intensive at the beginning of the school year. As you become a "student of the differences", your teaching will blossom.
3. Separation of school and life - It is not a great idea to have your whole home absorbed into the “school” aspect of life. Have some “school free zones” where you can simply be.
4. Modify the number of times you ask the student to transition - create transitions that make sense and are smooth. For example each time you change expectations or resources there is a lapse in learning because the student is learning the new expectations and not necessarily the skills and knowledge you wish them to learn.
5. Know when to throw up the white flag - The students must listen and comply but choose your battles carefully. Some items just don't have the word Essential attached to them!
6. Less is more - Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication- study the common core and do the best with the main, essential outcomes. Clutter in thinking, in the classroom, in instructions is all counter-productive.
7. Enjoy each moment - Moments turn into hours and into days...it all passes quickly and it might be one smile, one belly laugh or one gesture that brings life into a student and into you.